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Співпраця з Cambridge University Press
Основна мета співпраці: удосконалення фахової майстерності вчителів англійської мови з питань підвищення рівня автентичності, професійної компетенції.
Підрозділ, який здійснює співробітництво: відділ іноземних мов і зарубіжної літератури лабораторії суспільно-гуманітарних дисциплін.
Про організацію:
Cambridge University Press is a publishing business of the University of Cambridge, one of the world’s leading research institutions. It is both the oldest printing and publishing house in the world and the oldest university press. It originated from Letters Patent (similar to a royal charter) granted to the University by Henry VIII in 1534, and has been producing books continuously since the first University Press book was printed in 1584.
The stories of the two institutions are intertwined, and the Press’s mission remains to further through publication and printing the University’s own objective of advancing learning, knowledge and research worldwide. Today, this transformative mission is realized through the commitment to innovation and enterprise, placing the Press at the cutting-edge of electronic delivery in a world that looks increasingly to digital content and networked access not only to books and journals but to a range of other pedagogic services.
Across the whole range of the publishing, from starter-level English Teaching materials for learners worldwide, through curriculum-oriented textbooks and e-resources, to the most specialized academic research outputs, the Press maintains and extends its age-old reputation for high quality and technological innovation to meet the needs of its customers, authors and readers across the globe.
The spread of publishing covers virtually every educational subject seriously studied in the English-speaking world, with professional books, bibles, journals, textbooks, monographs, reference works, software and electronic publishing and of course, English Language Teaching publications, through Cambridge ELT.
Cambridge ELT is one of the world's leading English Language Teaching publishers, with a number of market-leading courses and supplementary materials for learners of English in all age groups. We continue to lead the way in the development of new materials for teachers and students across a range of platforms, including online, interactive whiteboard and mobile phone applications.
Контактна інформація:
Спільно організовані заходи:
- семінари-практикуми з методики викладання англійської мови;
- презентації навчально-методичних комплексів, навчальної літератури;
- 08 червня 2011 року на базі Івано-Франківського обласного інституту післядипломної педагогічної освіти був проведений семінар-практикум «Magical English lessons for Kids», «Are you active with grammar?»
Доповідач на семінарі: Jim Kalathas, Cambridge University Press. Jim Kalathas lives, works, and travels out of his home base in the lovely town of Thessaloniki, in Northern Greece. He has been involved with ELT and Educational Publishing for almost 25 years, and before this taught in a number of different education institutions, in a number of different countries around the globe. He currently advises and trains, state and private educational sectors on the selection and use of appropriate materials. At the moment he represents Cambridge University Press, as a Product Champion for many of their courses, and supplementary materials.